The Batavia Mothers’ Club Foundation is committed to helping children and families in our area succeed. Joining us in this effort means giving your time to help raise money for our local charities.
Joining the club is also a great opportunity to connect with other mothers. We plan many recreational activities* with and without our kids. We share information about parenting in many ways. The mothers of our club are embracing all kinds of challenges, have chosen many different paths in education, careers, and life, and come from many types of backgrounds. Members with full- or part-time employment commitments as well as full-time caregivers have been able to balance club activities and responsibilities with their families and work lives.
We encourage you to learn more about this dynamic group of women who are united by the efforts of philanthropy and motherhood.
Ready to jump in and enroll as a membership: BMFC Membership Enrollment Form or scan the QR code below:
Our monthly meetings are open to women who are interested in possibly joining our club. First time attendees will have an opportunity to talk to members and listen in on monthly club updates. We also host open house events for people who are interested in learning more. Come and meet our friendly and down-to-earth members! We meet the first Wednesday of every month September through May, 7:00 PM**.